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Go Easter, bright week. Tonight will close the Royal doors. Tomorrow after the Liturgy will be distributed artos. Artos Easter bread, which is all week about the king's gate, he had to tell us about the stay among us of the Risen Savior. God is with us, who has overcome the world, death, sin, and who rose from the dead. Also and us, he will resurrect all.

After the resurrection of Christ to talk about death, to fear death is to belittle the Resurrection of Christ. This idea should permeate our consciousness and to remain forever in the heart. There is a resurrection from the dead, is the Resurrection of Christ! This thought should fill us with joy. Joy is not temporary and the eternal order.
Without a doubt, the truth of the resurrection of Christ somehow touched our hearts. It could be seen by the joy that shone in the eyes of those who come to the temple.
But this truth we understand more intuitively, subconsciously, but she needs to permeate all our being. And then she will penetrate, when we will walk in the commandments of the Gospel. It is necessary that our life was truly Christian.
Not only John the Baptist, and we must all be friends of the Bridegroom of Christ. Christ himself once said, "You are My friends"...
Friends Of God! After all, if you think about it, how should these words, the man is not for one minute did not cease to rejoice. To be God's friend! God, what could be better and higher? And we are in their empty and meaningless bustle often forget that. We rejoice any trifle and forget: we should rejoice because we are friends of Christ. The friend of the Bridegroom, as said John the Baptist, stands and hears the words of the Bridegroom. And joy turns heart.
In these Easter days we have seen the risen Christ. After his resurrection from the grave He appeared to His disciples and testified about what occurred. And commanded to go into all the world and preach about what Christ's disciples were witnesses.
In these Easter days, we also witnessed a lot. Our time, on the one hand, okay, because catastrophic, with another awesome, because done something that has never occurred. We are witnesses of how people seemingly far from God, come to God and were made close to God. That's not all understand, but some are trying to create obstacles so people are not coming to Christ.
But as they say, forbidden fruit is sweeter. Obstacles incite even greater love in the human heart. Christ went and will go. And the more obstacles, the more zealously will go to Christ. This can not be stopped. And here we all are witnesses to this extraordinary process. And seeing all this, we have to be not on earth, but in heaven. Not like the people in addition to material goods not see anything for which the death termination total: all their deeds and works, and as people who primarily see the Resurrection of Christ, and hence the Kingdom of heaven, blessed eternal life. And this is for them something foreign and native, close, what they live for. And you need to say it with no fear. We are witnesses of the Resurrection, and have to testify, especially his Christian life. Their behavior, actions, in your own words. Otherwise, we will witness his cowardice about his insecurities and let it not be!