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The Icon Of The Trinity

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This is one of the most important and pivotal days in the Orthodox religion, because this holiday symbolizes not only the commitment of Christians the dogma of the Divine Trinity (God the Son, God the Father, God the Holy spirit), but is also a symbol of the beginning of the establishment of the Christian faith throughout the land.
The history of this holiday is, in itself, a fantastic and almost a detective, and in Russia these days of old are accompanied by committing various rites. But about all under the order.
So, from the day of the resurrection of Christ (Easter) it's been 50 days and 10 days after his ascension. The disciples of Jesus, his apostles, gathered to remember their Teacher in the same house in Jerusalem, where was the infamous last Supper.
It was early on a warm morning. The city was wrapped in the greenery of gardens. On this day Jews from different countries gathered in Jerusalem to celebrate the old Testament tradition, when the prophet Moses received on mount Sinai is famous for the Commandments of the Lord.
Separated from the General holiday hustle and bustle, disciples of Christ, gathered to remember his Teacher, suddenly heard the thunder coming from the top, and saw how flared the flames above their heads. The wind picked up. Then flame divided into several parts, which were included in the body of the apostles.
At this time, the huge flows of people rushed to the center of the ancient city from different parts. Suddenly from the house where the apostles were gathered, they heard a noise that attracted the attention of the crowd. From the parlor came the sound of voices speaking in different languages and dialects. Some Jews have suggested that, well, in honor of the people in the house became interested in wine libations, but suddenly on the threshold appeared the figure of the apostles. The crowd fell silent when I started to talk to Peter. Here as described this event in "Acts of the apostles" (acts.2:14-18):
"But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them: men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem! this shall be known to you and hearken to my words: these are not drunk as you suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day; but this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel: in the last days, saith God, I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh, and prophesy your sons and your daughters; and your young men shall see visions, your old men will dream dreams. And on My servants and on My handmaids in those days will I pour out of My spirit; and they shall prophesy."
Because the apostles spoke in all the languages spoken, the Jews gathered for their holiday from different places, all gathered could understand the teachings of Christ and accept it. On this day Christianity has taken more than three thousand people, and it is believed that from that moment began the triumphant March of Christianity worldwide.
The holiday was established by the decision of the Second Ecumenical Council held in Constantinople in the year 381, when was the dogma of the Trinity. Symbolically this day, God appears before the people in its third incarnation, the incarnation of the Holy spirit.
In Orthodox churches to this day, the solemn worship, and the worship are kneeling, you have occur on the knees and accompanied by prostrations. In this feast the Church with special diligence call to worship the triune God (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy spirit). After the Liturgy, great Vespers and the singing of the stichera, in the temples read three special prayers of the Church, salvation, praying and comforting the dead, and in the number and "hell keep".
In Russia on this day people decorate churches and their homes with green branches of trees. Incidentally, it is believed that the tree branches were decorated with the house in which the Holy apostles the Holy spirit came down and reminds us of the old Testament event when the Patriarch Abraham was found in the grove of Mamre with three angels-strangers who showed people the Trinity of God. Particular preference is in the Russian tradition has always preferred the birch branches, which was called "Trinity tree", as it was believed that birch is the tree of good, banishing illness, outlet trouble.
This feast in the old days it was customary to cover the floors in the houses fresh grass, and the service many went with tufts of grass. Moreover, the pre-grass "mourned," that is literally watered with the tears symbolized fertile for the next harvest rains.
In the ancient tradition, Christian theology is closely intertwined with paganism, this celebration was accompanied by committing various rites, and some of them have survived until now, and lasts until after the feast of the Trinity throughout the week (the so-called Semik). These days in Russia meant sendoff spring and the summer meeting, because these days nature really blossomed. This is related to various rituals and the worship of vegetation.
On the eve of Saturday in the Russian tradition, was one of the most important days of remembrance. Among the other ceremonies held in these days in Russia, especially interesting is the rite of passage girls. To this day, one of the most respected and senior women collected girls ready for marriage in the birch grove, where girls danced and performed a rite of kumlinge, when two girls, passing under the braided birch arch exchanged rings, belts and called each other "godmother". When one of the girls was the bride, the second was her friend (best person). But if one of them was born a boy, the latter became the godmother (godmother).
It remains to add that in the Western Christian tradition the Trinity is celebrated a week later the Orthodox Trinity and in most European countries, following the Trinity Monday is a holiday at the state level.

The Feast Of The Holy Trinity

Trinity is one of the most revered holidays in the Orthodox Church along with Christmas, Epiphany and Easter. It is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter, hence the other name of the feast of Pentecost.

Before Christ, the Trinity had a somewhat different meaning: in ancient times it was celebrated in the memory of the appearance to Moses on mount Sinai the stone tablets with the ten commandments. This event happened on the fiftieth day after the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt.

Today Christians celebrate the Trinity in a sign of the unity of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy spirit. On the fiftieth day after the resurrection of Christ, his disciples, the apostles entered that house, where there was the infamous last supper. This house still stands on the narrow street near the mount Zion. All that have ever visited this sacred place, in one voice say that it was there fall away the last doubts as to the divine existence and reality of the events connected with the history of Christianity.

Here occurred the phenomenon of the Holy spirit from God the Father, sent God the Son, that the Good news of the resurrection of Jesus Christ have been posted around the world. At this point all of the apostles-the disciples of Jesus received the gift to speak in different languages to news of the atoning sacrifice of the Messiah was known to all the Nations of the Earth.

Trinity and folk traditions of the Slavs

In the Slavic religious culture celebration of the Trinity is inseparably linked with summer and spring wires. The whole week, which ended this feast was called the Trinity or Semitsky. The symbol of the Trinity of the Slavs is a young curly birch. All the symbolism of the birch among the Slavs has a special meaning. Birch is a symbol of Russia, women, motherhood, home and love to a home. The Slavs believed that a strong healthy tree, absorbed the juices of spring, gives a rich harvest, will give the health and wellbeing of both people and animals. Wednesday of Trinity week young girls and girls from seven to fifteen years of age went to the woods to wring birch.

According to the custom of each house should be decorated with birch branches: icons, behind the mirrors, around the Windows you could see the tender shoots of birch.

Thursday semitsky week also had a special ritual meaning. On this day, again, girls, and young girls were preparing woven from straw, woolen yarns, tapes, long laces and decorated them with candy wrappers, beads, bird feathers. Thursday morning I cook fried eggs, it was a symbol of harvest hot summer, bright sunshine. Then the kids went into the woods. There they found the beautiful tree and decorated it all in store good. In addition, branches of the birch trees woven together in braids, intertwined in pairs, curled wreath. Around the decorated tree, danced, sang special songs fortune, and then set a lunch. At the end of dinner did not forget all the remains crumble to the birds, and they glorified the Holy Trinity.

Last Saturday before the holiday was the main memorial day. It is called parental Saturday, and this day definitely baked memorial pancakes and cooked Christmas pudding.

Sunday started with a visit to the service in the Church. In this day and the temple, and the temple courtyard was decorated with birch branches and wreaths, and the road to the temple was osypalis fresh leaves and flowers.

After the service, so that the birch was not offended, everyone went it to "develop". Repeated Thursday's ceremony with dances, songs, lunch, but all the ornaments from the tree was shot. At the conclusion of the ceremony a tree cut down and thrown into the river. It was believed that the recessed wood its strength will give grass shoots, will help to obtain a rich harvest, and people from him will get health and well-being.

Since the feast of the Trinity among the Slavs has pagan roots, this was the day of and compulsory use divination. So girls let the water wreaths of birch branches and wondered at him about his impending fate.

Many wonderful holidays referred to us by our ancestors, they need to remember and observe. We may not believe in fortune-telling and divination, but remember the national culture formed over thousands of years, we have.

The Icon "Trinity"

One of the most venerable icons of the Orthodox people"Trinity". The image embodies the truth of Christianity. It is a single indivisible Trinity, its significance – God the father and God the SYN God the Holy Spirit. The image of the icon generated on the basis of the Bible. In this Chapter, God, in the guise of three angels appeared before Abraham and his wife Sarah.

The meaning of the "Holy Trinity", for the Orthodox people it is a spiritual development. The unity of the Holy Trinity, is an opportunity to recognize the true faith, its depth and grace. The icon was created for believers and praying that each of them was able to imagine and feel the light coming from the unity of "the Holy Trinity".

Watching greatest creation – the icon of the Trinity, the Orthodox people feel in their lives the presence of the Lord God. The icon "Trinity", it's a message that carries relationship with the Word of God. The eternal existence and unity of the "Holy Trinity" is celebrated by Orthodox Christians with great joy in the hearts.

The icon "Trinity"-pure and divine creation, it showed people the wisdom and deep conviction of Faith. The icon "Trinity" by A. Rublev penetrated by light, at the same time the sadness she brings to us an indescribable influence of a deity. The simplicity and complexity of creation, is viewed with reverence by many generations. Admire the icon, and to contemplate it endlessly.

There are several authors of the icon "Trinity," but the perfection of Russian iconography consider the creation of the monk Andrei Rublev. Minimalist characters that distinguishes it from others. "Trinity" expressed in the icon of three angels. Bowl in the image means the atoning sacrifice, and the table means the table of the Lord.

The icon depicts an oak tree , the same mountain at the foot of which the sacrifices of Isaac, and the Calvary. The icon displayed in the Church, the house of Abraham. This icon is Russian, classic, but can have different interpretations depending on the author's perception. Orthodox, those who desired prayer before the image of the "Trinity", can hope for protection and blessing of God.

The Lord will send help needy people in various life challenges. People offering prayers, cope with adversity and find the true path.