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The tabernacle

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The PYX is a small metal ark for the Holy Gifts, made in the form of the chapel of the Holy sepulchre or the temple under the tent. Storage of the Holy sacrament in the tabernacle-there is a drawer with compartments or in the form of a coffin, they are used for communion at home for the dying and sick parishioners. In the churches the Tabernacle is installed in the altar on the throne. For the removal of the temple of the Holy gifts, for example, for a procession, prayer service or Liturgy is used, the monstrance is a miniature portable tabernacle.

The tabernacle appeared in the age of the origin of the Christian faith and to the end of the seventeenth century took the form of pigeons, which were kept in the particles of the Holy land, communion bread and wine as the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. Hung such shrines with gifts above the throne on a thin wire. In the early eighteenth – nineteenth centuries began to appear in the tabernacle in the form in which we see them in modern churches. They are made from such metals as silver and gold, sometimes of tin, some churches had tabernacles of precious stones. For decorating the tabernacle and drenovci used techniques of engraving, blackening the metal, inlaying semi-precious stones, by embossing and enamel painting was applied to scenes from the Gospels.

On the website of the online store of the Orthodox shop presents several models of the Shrine and Duronodic, from which you can choose and buy. They are performed on modern technologies by means of forging and casting of such metals as copper and brass. Then manually refined and enamel compositions or other elements, depending on the desires of the customer.

On our website you can buy your favorite the tabernacle or the monstrance, order it directly by phone or through the "Basket" and we'll deliver it to the work of the masters, which quickly and efficiently in the shortest possible time, then online store of the Orthodox shop you will send or take the Tabernacle to the specified address. Buy Tabernacles price