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The Icon Intercession Of The Theotokos

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The feast of the Holy virgin Orthodox faithful celebrates annually on October 14. It is installed in commemoration of a miracle which occurred in X century in Byzantium. In the fall of 910 ad, the capital of the Byzantine Empire was concluded in the siege of the army of the Saracens. Forces defending Greeks were on the wane, it seemed that there is no possibility to defend it a few more attacks and the Gentiles will burst into a beautiful city, will begin mass slaughter of Christians and the looting. Whacky Andrew and his disciple and follower Epiphanius all night he prayed fervently in the temple. In prayer they asked God about saving the city, and they were heard. In the morning a miracle happened, in front of praying men appeared MostHoly mother of God herself. She descended to the temple of heaven, accompanied by angels singing of spiritual songs. The Queen of Heaven, from which emanated a bright glow, knelt at the Church altar and prayed for a long time. Then, he took off its covering, the covering, and spread it over the worshipers. In the morning the pilgrims told the townspeople about the miracle and people are realizing that the city is under the patronage and protection of lady, gathered force and spirit, and drove the enemy from the walls of the city. In memory of this great event was established Holiday.
It was meant to dispose of the story that most deep love, the feast of the Holy virgin received in Russia. The reason for this was that it is in the soul of the Russian people the most deeply Holy love to the Queen of Heaven. The Russian people, like no other, sincerely believe in Her behalf patronage.
Especially revered Cover of the don Cossacks, on this day, in the cathedrals served as the lush prayers, followed by a review of the Troops, revealing the trick riding and competition in war games. The choice of the Cossacks is not accidental, in the first half of the XVII century, they have experienced the great miracle of the patronage of the Mother of God, accomplished during the great events, which in history was called "Azov sitting".
By the early seventeenth century, the Ottoman Empire carried out the seizure of vast lands in three continents. The Ottoman fleet alone, played in the Black and Azov seas. One of the most powerful of the Northern outposts of the Turks was the fortress of Azov, which led to much hatred from the don. The fortress blocked the exit from the don to the Azov sea and was the main reference point for organizing the raids of Turks and Crimean Tatars on Cossack towns and lands of Moscow state.
In the spring of 1637, the Cossacks managed to capture the fortress of Azov, the Ottoman Empire could not accept that, and by the summer of 1641, the year the basics were completely blockaded by land and sea, Turkish troops and cavalry of the Crimean Tatars. Against 5 thousand Cossacks, defending the fortress and 800 women who chose to share the fate of their husbands, has raised 150 - thousand Ottoman army and hundreds trunks of artillery. When the autumn of 1641, the situation of the Cossacks in the besieged fortress became critical, they drew a Circle where I decided to leave the fortress and fight the enemy in a last deadly battle in an open field. On the eve of the Intercession in the evening of 25 September, old style celebrated a prayer service and the night came out of the gate of the fortress. All came, including women, the sick and wounded. By morning, ready to die Cossacks, reached the Turkish positions, but the positions were empty Turkish soldiers, including the invincible Janissaries, left them and quickly loaded on ships.
Once again great miracle happened, the mother of God was taken under the protection of Cossacks, placing the cover over the besieged Azov.
The Ottomans did not have the basics. The Cossacks, without waiting for help from Moscow, left it with honor, with guns, capturing the fortress artillery and the sash of the fortress gates.

Icon "Intercession Of The Mother Of God"

In his pious life, mother of God endured much suffering. Incredibly serious challenge for her was the death of Jesus Christ. Only after the death of his anguish she was rewarded with heavenly glory and recognition. As a mother close to her all the suffering people experience on earth. She is willing to help anyone who sincerely prays to her and asks for help.

She asks God's forgiveness for all of us, each one praying. The icon "the Intercession of the virgin" the most revered in Russia. The feast of the icon, the Orthodox Church, honors annually 14 Oct. This celebration was preceded by a miraculous event. Which occurred In the 10th century in Constantinople, during the aggression troops of the Saracens, In the Church of Constantinople, the multitude came together , as was Reese, and divine headdress of the virgin. The inhabitants of the city prayed to the Lord, asked for protection from attacking enemies.

When it was prayer, the Holy Andrew lifted his eyes and saw the mother of God. She was walking on air, above the Church, around the virgin were angels and many saints. The virgin began to pray together for all the people in the temple. In the eyes of God the Mother had tears, she prayed and cried for the salvation of the people, for the salvation of the city. Then she approached the throne, threw the cover from his head and covered them with those who were in the temple. Thus, it saved people from their enemies. This event is displayed on the icon of the Intercession of the virgin. Soon the enemy was defeated and the city liberated.

1. The icon saves and protects from troubles and distress.
2. Before her prayer pray that all the troubles that are present in a person's life gone all the bad and evil left his family home.
3. Mother of God is fast helper, and saves from diseases.
4. It covers his mantle and protects against visible and hidden enemies.

The icon of the Intercession of the virgin must have in every home, then you will fully verify chudozestvennoj image. The icon depicts the altar and the temple room with stately columns. You will see, as if the veil that covers the image of the virgin. The icon combines two worlds, the earthly world and the heavenly. Painting in dark red shades. Based painter put Roman sweet-singer, in whose hands is a scroll.

Next is Andrew, he shows Epiphany-student strange phenomenon. Next to the Novel is the Ecumenical Patriarch and the Byzantine Emperor, and the people who gathered in the temple. Everything happens in the Church of heaven, where the martyrs and prophets, and saints. On the way there-John the Revelator, John the Baptist. The basis of the icon is the image of the virgin, in whose hands the saving cover.