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Recovery from God (Holy Unction)

In moments of strong adversity and disease, man has always sought to enlist the help and patronage of the higher divine forces. And I have to say, this can be really very effective.

In the Christian Orthodox religion there is a special Sacrament (like Baptism or communion), referred to as anointing with oil or Unction (Leewashington). This Sacrament seriously enough in its content and is done with the use of the device for extreme unction. Many even believe that make it is necessary only in the most extreme cases of incurable diseases. But it's not. Sobrovets to everyone who wish to feel God's grace. But for this we must sincerely and strenuously to pray and ask. After all, if the pleas will be heard, by the grace of God from the soul and body eliminated all the pain, anxiety, weakness.

The fact of the Unction does not mean instant and complete healing. The result will depend on how you are worthy by deeds, the thoughts, the aspirations, the power of faith and repentance. It often happens that God is not inclined to deliver us from disease, as this part of the trials of our earthly journey.

The man passed the Sacrament as the real test, in addition to healing gets and the forgiveness of sins, and on a deeper level, when sins are absolved unconscious. This is logical, because not only religion, but science is already together talking about the root cause of all illnesses – our sinfulness.

Practical preparations for extreme Unction is to pre-confession, repentance, and the preparation of wine (Cahors wine), olive oil (the oil) for the ceremony.

Extreme unction is performed using the device for extreme unction only at the request of the Christian believer with his consent. If the person is in a dream or unconscious, the Sacrament is excluded. Because, among other things, in the process of anointing aware of the last journey and sins.