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About prayer

People only come to faith, and the unbeliever, too, has repeatedly hears the arguments and statements of others about prayer.

What is prayer, what are prayer and how to pray?

Saints have said that prayer is Union of man and God, is a conversation with God. According to people conversant with, prayer is of two kinds: prayer of thanksgiving or praise to God and prayer-a petition. We all, sooner or later, begin to pray, especially when we suffer some kind of tribulation, trials. In your prayers we ask God for help. Our requests were sincere and, most importantly, was heard, need to realize their helplessness before the Lord. That is, you need to gain a sense of repentance. To realize that somewhere something you did wrong and the Lord, as a loving father corrects you, sending various tests. And maybe not corrects, and strengthens. Most importantly-a strong faith and sincerity in prayer.

Many wonder: can you imagine someone praying? In order for the people could not imagine goodness knows what kind of images, there are icons. We need to pray, looking at the face of God, or the virgin's face, or the face of the Saint. To feel the presence of God is all that matters. We must remember that the Lord is near, he sees and hears.

Very often you can hear from a man, lately come into the Church that God does not hear his prayers. He already bows lays down, and at night praying, and the one that asks, receives. To such people it is better to explain with a simple example from life. A small child endlessly asking something from parents. Parents, as experienced people, not do every whim of the baby, as it is not useful, and give him only what you think is right. And Lord knows, that man is useful and what will bring irreparable harm. It turns out that the person praying, prays, and God hears. Rightly said: "ask and ye shall receive", but if you have not received what was requested, then the will of God.

What words to pray to God? Man, only zavernuvshis to faith, struggling to understand what they read and what they sing in Church. It's a science, just like in school. When a child comes to first grade, he learns the letters, he puts them into words, familiar with the meaning of these words. To understand the language of prayer, it is important not just to read it, but also to grasp the essence read words. Today issued a beautiful intelligent Church Slavonic dictionaries, with which people can get to know the text of the prayers. You can pray your own words. Sometimes the Lord faster it hears such petitions. But we should not neglect prayers, which for thousands of years. After all, according to him, both on the books, studied the prayer of many saints and saved.

Many people say, "Why would I go to temple I will pray!". This, of course, well, when one finds time for conversations with God in domestic prayer. But very often, the everyday hustle and bustle it's hard to focus on prayer. When you get into the temple, the atmosphere is already conducive to prayer. Our life is full of obstacles and temptations. It can be compared to a raging sea. So man alone is very, very difficult to cross this sea. And the Church is the ship that collected like-minded people, together, helping each other to overcome all the obstacles of the worldly sea, and together we follow the path of salvation.

If it's because you have to pray a believer? In life we are not alone we have relatives and close friends. And, of course, visiting a Church or praying at home, we need to remember about their relatives. Often our prayer in the middle to save him from trouble. As live our relatives in need of prayer, and the dead need our prayers. Especially important are the Church prayers of the dead. Often a person dies not having time to repent of some sins, and the prayers of the family can help them to get rid of the impending doom beyond the grave.

The saints claimed that fasting and prayer are two wings of salvation. Let us continually be in prayer, that our lives were clean and acceptable to God.

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