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Church candles

Regular Church candle is made from three standard elements: animal fat, beeswax and wick. It would seem that the ordinary composition, which, in fact, no one is now impossible to surprise. However, all Christians sincerely believe that the power of fire Church candles large enough. This is due to two factors. First, they symbolize the person, having a material (wax) and spiritual (the wick) shell. Like all people, candles can burn, to bewitch, to give a little heat. Second, they possess some magical influence. It is believed that if any prayer to whisper and burn at the same candle, its strength will increase. And does not matter whether the worshipers in the temple or in your home. A long time Church candle used as a potent tool of magical nature. Despite the fact that the Church in principle denies the existence of different bad entities that cause harm to humans, even if you just get close to him for a few minutes, their presence in our world felt by many. Not to mention the fact that the flame from a Church candle they can't stand. Therefore, your home from these unpleasant guests can be cleaned independently. There are cases when Church candle helps women to find happiness. Often girls with various diseases are turning to the Church and faith. After a certain prayers, burning candles was able to get pregnant despite what the doctors had removed and ruled out the prospect of childbirth. In principle, several such examples could be called accidents if I had not observed them systematically. So maybe the chart has its own magic? Maybe they can give people health, hope, and faith in the future even when it seems to them that there is no escape? There is also a belief that nobody will be able to keep the secrets any man is better than a Church candle. Many people who trusted them with their secrets, suggests that the flame responds to words. Sometimes it is bright and restless, and, as a rule, this occurs when a story is about something bad. Then gradually calms down. Not to mention that the person after that becomes easier. It seems like he was a real companion who understands all and compassionate. The most popular is the use of the cleansing properties of fire. For example, throughout the history of Christianity was common this rite of clearing the apartment of Church candle. It was thought that only the flame can burn all the bad things that is near a person: various negative entities, demons, even to remove the damage or the evil eye. However, not only attract Church candles. Photos of any such item can clearly show you that their fire always calm, with a few exceptions. Consequently, they also have a soothing effect on humans. Even if he can not call himself a Christian believer, the presence of Church candles in his house will not harm.